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RAS China Online Event 6 Dec — Next stop, Shanghai: Refugee “Port Jews” and Cinematic Cartographies of Crisis

Posted: November 18th, 2023 | No Comments »

In her new multimedia project Restless Archive, Simone Gigliotti curates a digital history of the historical migrations and transnational routes of Jewish refugees and postwar displaced persons. She has amassed what she terms a “restless archive” of photographic, cinematographic and visual material that was created and re-used between 1933 and 1949, with several newsreels relating to Shanghai as a port city and transit hub for Jewish refugees. She has also worked with GIS and mapping technology to recreate the voyage routes these refugees took from Europe to Asia. Her presentation will integrate videos, posters, and testimonies from the 1930s and 1940s.

Restless Archive: The Holocaust and the Cinema of the Displaced (Indiana University Press, 2023) is available to read for free here​.

More details here

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