All things old China - books, anecdotes, stories, podcasts, factoids & ramblings from the author Paul French

A Good Review of Chiang Yee & His Circle from Qingquan Qiao in the Journal of Post Colonial Writing

Posted: September 20th, 2023 | No Comments »

A good review of Chiang Yee and his circle: Chinese artistic and intellectual life in Britain, 1930–1950 (Hong Komng University Press) in the Journal of Postcolonial Writing from Qingquan Qiao of Shanghai International Studies University…

…the collection aims to demonstrate the importance of Chinese intellectuals to British cultural history and to the reshaping of British conceptions about China…[its] particular strength lies in the contributors’ meticulous use of different types of historical materials to illustrate the Chinese intellectual community’s internal diversity and its many connections to a wider cultural context.”

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