All things old China - books, anecdotes, stories, podcasts, factoids & ramblings from the author Paul French

Car Number Plates – Old Shanghai Signage

Posted: November 2nd, 2021 | No Comments »

Another in my occasional series on old Shanghai signage (just put ‘signage’ in the search box to see more – trolleybus signs, road signs, Fire Brigade, Public Works Department, telegraph poles, & SMP “No Waiting”) – this one a car (with the super stylish Elsie Lee Soong posing in front of it) in 1937 displaying plates for both the French Concession (the F plate), the International Settlement (below it) and the Chinese districts of Shanghai (behind Elsie) too.

and just to show that there were variations – here’s a car approaching the Garden Bridge from the south side – it displays a Chinese Districts plate on the left and an International Settlement plate on the right – no Frenchthown plate

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