All things old China - books, anecdotes, stories, podcasts, factoids & ramblings from the author Paul French

Sue Anne Tay’s Shanghai Street Stories in Suzhou this Weekend

Posted: March 9th, 2011 | No Comments »

Excellent that street photographer Sue Anne Tay is appearing at the Suzhou Lit Fest at the Suzhou Bookworm this coming weekend. As well as a session she’s also exhibiting in a rather unique way – via table mats. This concept (the Suzhou Bookworm is a library so no free wall space – it’s all bookshelves) was the brainchild of another excellent photographer, Suzhou based Melanie Dornier (more on Mlle Dornier soon but here is her website), who first created the idea which she dubbed ‘L’Art de la table’ (don’t panic, Melanie is not hopelessly pompous but is actually French…so it’s excusable). It’s a great idea and you know it’s a success when the place mats start getting stolen by the customers!! I’m told 4 of Sue Anne’s have already been purloined by customers who just couldn’t resist them – time for IKEA or GoD to get in on the act here I think and start selling them (with some royalties kicked back to the photographers of course)!!

Anyway – a very bad shot by me of Sue Anne’s table art below (Melanie and Sue Anne have little to fear from this blogger’s eye!) – they’ll be exhibited at the Bookworm for a few more weeks – and details of Sue Anne’s session at the Lit Fest this coming weekend below too.

2011 Suzhou Literary Festival
“Recording Street Stories Through Photography” by Sue Anne Tay. Mar 12 (Sat), 2 pm
Tickets can be acquired at The Suzhou Bookworm or you can call them directly.

“Photographer and author of the popular blog, Sue Anne Tay combines street photography and photojournalism to document life in Shanghai’s streets – the razing of old neighbourhoods, the vibrancy of street markets and the colourful individuals that make up the sprawling city. This afternoon, she shares her approach to shooting in Shanghai’s streets, her style and subjects of choice and discusses the versatility of mediums to best showcase one’s work. She will also share with us her latest project, The Roving Exhibit, where she set up her work on photo boards around Shanghai’s old neighbourhoods. Not to be missed by aspiring photographers eager to tell their own tales of the city. Discussion and Q&A to follow.”

For Shanghai readers, Suzhou is now only a half hour train ride away and a fun day trip. The Bookworm is also a fantastic place to while the afternoon away.

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