All things old China - books, anecdotes, stories, podcasts, factoids & ramblings from the author Paul French

Taiwan Beer – Probably Not the World’s Best But…

Posted: August 19th, 2009 | 4 Comments »

I can’t imagine anyone would argue that Taiwan Beer,brought to you by the sexily named  Taiwan Tobacco and Liquor Corporation, is the best beer in the world – in fact it’s pretty awful but it remains the omnipresent, best selling and pretty cheap lager of the ROC. Below two labels for Taiwan Beer,the first from the 1950s, the second from the 1970s.

Taiwan Beer label - 1950s

Taiwan beer label 1970s

4 Comments on “Taiwan Beer – Probably Not the World’s Best But…”

  1. 1 Sam Chambers said at 12:07 pm on August 19th, 2009:

    It is god awful — thank god the mainlanders are building a Tsingtao brewery to teach their island cousins a little something about brewing.

  2. 2 Ed said at 2:40 pm on October 31st, 2009:

    I have to disagree with you on the beer. It’s pleasant and fresh, while still having a fair bit of taste. It’s nowhere near the bitterness of european beers, but that’s the case for most Asian table beers (Kingfisher…).
    It really doesn’t deserve your criticism.
    Try blue girl beer for a really shitty tasting beer (or alternatively Budweiser).

  3. 3 Paul French said at 12:02 am on November 1st, 2009:

    I’ve never heard anyone say anything positive about Taiwan Beer before except perhaps the price. Interesting palate you have to find it pleasant and fresh – might I suggest a Sprite?

  4. 4 Sam Chambers said at 11:36 am on November 1st, 2009:

    The old joke about Budweiser could also be applied to Taiwan Beer:

    What’s the difference between Taiwan Beer and fucking in a canoe?

    They’re both pretty fucking close to water! BOOM BOOM

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